NWA 1457 Winonaite
This section
has distinct sulfide veins with occasional
metal blebs caught in the flow. This is a fine grained meteorite.
FOV 3.5 mm
NWA 725 Winonaite or W Chondrite (Formerly acapulcoite) - probably paired with NWA 1052, 1054 and 1058
We see chondrules, relict chondrules and a well metamorphosed matrix. The texture is like a type 5 or 6 chondrite. See NWA 1054 Winonaite in Lauretta & Killgore pp. 232–235.
FOV 3.5 mm
Dhofar 312 Acapulcoite - possibly paired with Dhofar 125 Acapulcoite
This is a finely textured acapulcoite.
FOV 3.5 mm
NWA 2871 Acapulcoite - paired with
NWA 2656, 2699, 2714,
2866, 2989
FOV 3.5 mm
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