Acapulcoites and Winonaites

NWA 1457 Winonaite

NWA 1457 Winonaite


This section has distinct sulfide veins with occasional metal blebs caught in the flow.  This is a fine grained meteorite.


FOV 3.5 mm

NWA 725 Acapulcoite -> Winonaite

NWA 725 Winonaite  or W Chondrite (Formerly acapulcoite) - probably paired with NWA 1052, 1054 and 1058


We see chondrules, relict chondrules and a well metamorphosed matrix.  The texture is like a type 5 or 6 chondrite.  See NWA 1054 Winonaite in Lauretta & Killgore pp. 232–235.


FOV 3.5 mm

Dhofar 312 Acapulcoite

Dhofar 312 Acapulcoite - possibly paired with Dhofar 125 Acapulcoite


This is a finely textured acapulcoite.


FOV 3.5 mm

NWA 2871 Acapulcoite

NWA 2871 Acapulcoite
- paired with NWA 2656, 2699, 2714, 2866, 2989

There is discussion, in late 2007, that this pairing might be considered lodranites because of thier relatively large grain size.


FOV 3.5 mm


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